Hasiera Lurrin / kolon garbitzeko makina / Colon Hydrotherapy Devices

Kolon Hidroterapia Gailuak

Kolon Hidroterapia Gailuak
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    Colon Hydrotherapy Devices Colon Hydrotherapy Devices Colon Hydrotherapy Devices Colon Hydrotherapy Devices Colon Hydrotherapy Devices


    560C is the latest model of Colon Hydrotherapy Devices. It is open system. The machine has all functions of hydrotherapy, both for customer and operator.


    Bezeroarentzat, makinaren ohean jarri behar du eta makina hasiera eta geldiarazi dezake. Eta haren aurrean pantailan barrena ihes egiten ikus dezake.

    Eragilearentzat, makina funtzionatu behar du ukipen-pantaila sakatuta.


    Makina hau automatikoki exekutatzen ari da. Ukipen-pantailan denbora ezarri ondoren eta sakatu Hasi, operadorea ez da makina gehiago erabili behar.

    Hasi eta gelditu bezeroak kontrolatu ditzake alboko atalen botoien bidez.

    Normalean SPA zentroan edo ongizate zentroan erabiltzen da.


    Lan printzipio

    Firstly, water will be treated by filtering device, tap water will be mineralized and filtered in to micromolecule active water, which can add microelement into water that human body needs. After filtering, the mineral water will be heated into 37℃ with a heating device. Then the water will be infused into human’s colon with a attached hydrotherapy head. The water will attenuation and dissolve the waste in the colon. Meanwhile the water will stimulate the intestinal tract to wriggle and the waste mixture will be excreted out of body. Finally this can create ecological balance in the human body. The natural and ecological feature is a new type of treatment which consists of therapy, recovery and good health.

    Produktuen abantailak:

    Lubrifikatu hesteak eta defecate:

    with mineral and warm water, it will increase the lubrication of intestinal. This will stimulate the intestinal tract to wriggle and produce defecation reflex. Use this machine within fixed period, it will remit defecation problem. Use this machine consistently, it will totally ensure normal function of colon.

    Desintoxikatu eta edertzeko:

    Kolon garbitu eta garbitu, material hartzidunak eta material kaltegarriak izan daitezkeen hesteetan. Kolon osasuntsua izan daiteke. Eta larruazala lehorra, orbanak, iluntasuna eta aknea bezalako sintoma modu naturalean desagertzen dira.

    Pisua galdu eta mehe mantendu

    This machine is able to adjust the environment of digestive system and is able to adjust metabolic disorders to balance. On the other hand, cleanse of large intestine can avoid small intestine assimilate material forcedly, which have obviously effect on waist and abdomen part lose weight.

    Makina kolonikoaren abantailak

    Makina Kolonikoa

    Makina Kolonikoa



    Odola araztu

    This machine can clean the toxin in intestinal tract and it can improve the cleanness of Peripheral blood effectively. Base on blood circulation system, it can remove the toxin in blood gradually. So the treatment have positive effect on reduction of blood pressure, blood fat, blood acid, blood glucose.

    Inmunitatea bultzatu

    Ezabatu toxina giza gorputzean eta jaitsi zuzeneko zama modu eraginkorrean. Oinarritu giza gorputzaren auto-sisteman, helburua lor dezake

    Gorputzaren seniltasuna atzeratzea eta desorekatutako organoa konpontzea. Azkenean, gorputzaren immunitatea, gaixotasunarekiko erresistentea eta gorputzaren konponketaren ekimena sendotzen ditu.


    Produktuaren ezaugarriak:

    1. Kontrol 1.automikoa. Gaixoak bere kabuz funtzionatzeko gai da. Ez duzu beste batzuk behar. Pazientearen pribatutasuna behar bezala mantendu da.

    2. Ukitu Panel bidez funtzionatu eta 2 pantaila pantaila daude. 1 Pazientearen funtzionamendua eta 1 medikua ikusteko eta inprimatzeko emaitzarako.

    3. Katelaren kateterra botatzen da. Bermea behin erabiltzea. Ireki berria eta suntsitu aurrez aurre aurrez aurre.

    4. Hidroterapia ohea ikerketa zientifikoa da eta diseinatu da, eta horrek excretion outlet du. Ohe honekin, gaixoak hesteak askatasunez biziberritzeko gai da. Ohea erosoa, erosoa, mina ez, ez da ihesik, usainik ez.

    5. Tentsio baxuko funtzionamendua. 2 geruza ur ditu eta tenperatura eta presioa ordenagailuz kontrolatuta dago. Honek funtzionamendu segurua mantendu dezake.

    6. Medikuntzako jarioko gailua dago, eta hori egokia da kolonak garbitu ondoren koloniari.

    Colon Hydrotherapy Devices Colon Hydrotherapy Devices Colon Hydrotherapy Devices

    1. Kolon hidroterapiaren kontzeptua

    Colon hydrotherapy is also called colon cleanse or intestinal lavage, which can thoroughly clean colon, eliminate toxins in the body, improve constipation, correct diarrhea, adjust intestinal flora imbalance, and prevent bowel cancer. And it also has the effects of beauty, skin care, weight loss, and regulation of endocrine disorders.

    Kolonen hidroterapia ezaguna da Amerikako eta Europako Ospitalean, Klinikan eta Beauty Club-en. Edertasun eta desintoxikazio metodo ezagun bihurtzen ari da eta kolon eta gorputz osasuntsu eta osasuntsuaren terapia fisiko eta naturalik beroena tratatzen da.

    Colon Hydrotherapy Devices 227

    2. Kolon hidroterapiaren eragina eta funtzioa

    Europe popular SPA center use Colon Hydrotherapy Devices for body detox

    2.1 Idorreria tratamendua

    Constipation is the most important suitable adaptation disease by colon hydrotherapy. Medical experts believe that constipation is the root of all diseases. Studies have shown that the incidence of colorectal cancer is positively correlated with constipation. Senile plaques and obesity are also associated with constipation. Besides the long-term effects of excrement on other organs in the large intestine, constipation itself also affects the physiological function of the large intestine.

    Through a certain course of colon hydrotherapy, it can entirely soften and thoroughly remove hard bound stool in large intestine. And it also can soften and remove induration layer on the surface of the intestinal mucosa. Then it will recover intestinal mucosa secretion and promote the colonic peristalsis. Finally it will restore normal bowel function and achieve thorough treatment.


    2.2 Minbiziaren kontrola eta prebentzioa

    Food residues in the large intestine are fermented and corrupt to produce some carcinogens. The meat people eat is not that easy to digest, so meat will stay long time in digestive tract. If contact time between the large intestine and carcinogenic substance last too long, the chances of large intestine canceration will increase. Colon hydrotherapy will remove impurities from the large intestine, so keep colon clean can prevent cancer.

    Colon Hydrotherapy Devices 228

    2.3 Gorputzaren desintoxikazioa eta larruazaleko edertasuna

    Metabolites and some harmful substances in the blood excreted will be excreted through skin and subcutaneous capillaries and glands. During the excretion, skin surface will get damaged. This will cause skin problems such as acne and stains. Colon hydrotherapy will increase the chances that harmful substances will be excreted from the intestines. Finally it is more healthy for skin after colon hydrotherapy.


    2.4 Osasuntsu mantentzea

    Odolean substantzia arriskutsu batzuk gibelean desintoxikatuko dira, eta horrek gibeleko desintoxikazio entzimaren sistema kontsumituko du. Horrek burmuinean eragingo du, orduan jendea nekatuta sentituko da. Bien bitartean, sistema immunologikoan eta gorputzaren metabolismoan ere eragina dute.


    3. Aplikazio-barrutia

    Europe popular SPA center use Colon Hydrotherapy Devices for body detox

    3.1 Ospitalea & Erabilera medikoetarako klinika

    A: Gastroenterologia Saila:

    Kolon garbia, kolitis kronikoa, kolitis ulceratiboa, idorreria, beherakoa, hesteetako oztopoa, hesteetako disfuntzioa, pankreatitis akutua.

    B: Kirurgia Orokorra Saila:

    Hesteetako garbiketa sabeleko kirurgiaren aurretik, sabeleko kirurgiaren ondoren infekzio gurutzatuen kontrola, tratamendu kontserbadorea hesteetako minbizia, hemorroideak, kolitisak.

    C: Txinako Medikuntza Saila tradizionala:

    D: Nephrology Saila:

    Colon Hydrotherapy Devices 236

    3.2 SPA ZENTROA & Ongizate zentroa

    Kolonen hidroterapiaren kontzeptua nahiko ezaguna da Amerikan eta Europan, beraz, edertasun klub ugari daude, koloneko hidroterapia zerbitzua eskaintzen dutenak.

    Cleanse Colon kontzeptuak, Toxina kendu, osasuntsu egon, jarraitu koloneko hydrothearpy-k onartutako jendeak Europan eta Amerikan onartuta.


    3.3.3 Etxeko erabilera

    This Colon Hydrotherapy Devices can be used for personal at home easily.

    Eta historian oso jende ospetsu asko daude Colon Hidroterapia.

    * Diana, Ingalaterrako printzesa, bere hesteak aldizka garbitzen ditu.

    * Clinton, Estatu Batuetako presidente ohiak berezia du “hesteetako gela” Bere etxean eta hiru pertsona erabiltzen ditu hesteak aldizka garbitzeko.

    * Mariah Carey, Hollywoodeko izar ezagunenetako bat, aurretik gizentzen ari zen eta pisua galtzeko gai izan da spa tratamendu baten bidez.

    * Mei-ling, gazte bat hasi, gauero oheratu aurretik hesteetako bainuetxearen defekaziora, hamarkadak, inoiz ez ziren gelditu, eta jende askok iraupen osasuntsua gustatzen zaio.

    Gaur egun jendeak koloneko hidroterapia eta erabilera erosiko du beren etxean, idorreria eta koloneko gaixotasuna dituena.


    Colon hydrotherapy has been used for centuries to cleanse the colon and improve overall health. In the modern era, colon hydrotherapy devices have become increasingly popular as a non-invasive and effective method of cleansing the colon. However, to ensure their effectiveness and safety, these devices must be regularly calibrated and tested.

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    History of Colon Hydrotherapy


    Colon hydrotherapy has a long history that dates back to ancient times, where it was used by the Egyptians and Greeks to treat a variety of ailments. In recent years, it has become increasingly popular in the West as a method of colon cleansing.


    How Colon Hydrotherapy Devices Work


    Colon hydrotherapy devices make use of water to cleanse the colon. The device pumps water slowly into the colon through a small tube, which is inserted into the rectum. The water softens and loosens the fecal matter, which is then eliminated through natural bowel movements.


    Advantages of Colon Hydrotherapy


    1. Cleanses the colon thoroughly

    2. Improves digestion

    3. Boosts energy levels

    4. Promotes weight loss

    5. Improves skin health

    6. Reduces bloating and constipation

    7. Relieves stress and anxiety


    Colon Hydrotherapy Devices 227

    Calibration and Testing of Colon Hydrotherapy Devices


    It is recommended that colon hydrotherapy devices are calibrated and tested regularly to ensure their effectiveness and safety. This includes checking the water pressure and temperature, as well as the functioning of the device’s pump and valves. It is also important to inspect the device’s tubing and nozzles for any signs of wear and tear.


    Who Needs Colon Hydrotherapy?

    Colon hydrotherapy is recommended for those who suffer from digestive issues such as constipation, bloating, and irritable bowel syndrome.

    It is also recommended for those looking to improve their overall health and well-being.


    Applications of Colon Hydrotherapy


    1. At-home colon cleansing

    2. Medical facilities

    3. Alternative health clinics

    4. Weight loss centers

    5. Day spas

    6. Fitness centers

    7. Wellness retreats

    8. Beauty salons

    9. Holistic healing centers


    Contact us

    Regular calibration and testing of colon hydrotherapy devices is crucial to ensuring their effectiveness and safety.

    If you are considering colon hydrotherapy, it is important to choose a reputable provider who takes the necessary steps to ensure the proper functioning of their devices.

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    Kolon hidroterapia gailuaren fabrikatzailea gara, edozein zalantza baduzu, jarri gurekin harremanetan

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    Salmenta aholkularia : Mark jauna
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